Recovery of Hope
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12
Life Coaching Services
What Is a Life Coach?
Many hear “coach” and think of athletics. But isn’t life a full contact sport?
A coach can be defined as one who trains or tutors - and that is just what I will be for you in matters of life.
A life coach serves as a sounding board and provides tools to make this adventure called life more enjoyable and fruitful.
Time For Change
Sometimes life is just overwhelming. We find ourselves wearing many hats, holding multiple titles and multiple responsibilities that we somehow lose a sense of who we are separate from all these titles and responsibilities. Life feels like a never-ending “Groundhogs Day” - the same day over and over.
Let me help you make every day a new experience, with the love and guidance of Jesus Christ. Together we’ll explore how you got to this place. We’ll dig deep in our search for what your ideal life looks like. We’ll use tools to find any hidden passions and talents. Lastly, we’ll set goals to bring the changes you’re desiring.
In me you’ll have a cheerleader for every victory, someone to help keep you accountable, and a positive perspective for those moments when life didn’t get the memo that we don’t have time for setbacks!
We will start with a free consultation to get to know each other a bit. Here is where I can get a clear understanding of what you are looking for, and what you can expect from me as a coach.
Initial Consultation: free
Intake Session: $35
Sessions: $75/hr individual ($100/hr groups)
How long we work together is your choice.
30 days
3 months
9 month
Coming soon……
Coming soon…… *
Get in Touch!
Schedule your free consult today!